Water purification information

What are the side effects of air purifiers

Views : 80154
Update time : 2021-08-14 15:22:15
In this era when PM2.5 is rampant, the air is getting worse and worse, and people are buying air purifiers, hoping to make the air at home better. But a friend asked, are there any side effects of air purifiers? With this friend’s question, today we will take a closer look at the side effects of air purifiers.
What is an air purifier
Air purifiers, also known as "air cleaners", air cleaners, and purifiers, refer to decoration pollution that can absorb, decompose or transform various air pollutants (generally including PM2.5, dust, pollen, peculiar smell, formaldehyde, etc.) , Bacteria, allergens, etc.), products that effectively improve air cleanliness. There are many different technologies and media in the air purifier, which enable it to provide users with clean and safe air.

What are the side effects of air purifiers
1. Air purifiers are generally used in closed rooms, which can easily cause indoor air to be blocked. If you have a cold, other people in the room can easily be infected, but it is easy to cause secondary air pollution. , So when using the air purifier, you can leave a little gap between the doors and windows to allow air to circulate.

2. Make people suffer from respiratory diseases. If the air purifier is not cleaned or disinfected regularly, long-term use of unsterilized air purifiers will not achieve the effect of purifying the air in the room, and people will easily suffer from respiratory diseases. Therefore, the air purifier must be cleaned or disinfected frequently.

3. Some people with allergies and some people like to add some essential oils when using air purifiers. Similar to air purifiers, although the air smells good, there are certain side effects. For example, some people are allergic to essential oils, it is very dangerous, and it will also increase the burden on the air purifier, making the life of the air purifier shorter. Therefore, do not add essential oils, perfumes, etc. to the air purifier without authorization.
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